
2013年4月17日—Here'sacompletestep-by-stepguideonhowtoenableChatHeadsandStickersforyouraccountonFacebook6.0appforiPhone,iPadandiPod ...,2017年3月18日—為大家介紹可以擺脫臉書聊天用軟體「Messenger」的第三方應用「FacebookChatRe-Enabler」,「Messenger」這個App以FB的功能來說其實是多餘的, ...,2014年8月11日—However,withasimpleworkaround,iOSuserscanre-enabletheMessagestabintheofficialFacebookappandforg...

Enable Facebook Chat Heads And Stickers On iPhone ...

2013年4月17日 — Here's a complete step-by-step guide on how to enable Chat Heads and Stickers for your account on Facebook 6.0 app for iPhone, iPad and iPod ...

Facebook Chat Re-Enabler

2017年3月18日 — 為大家介紹可以擺脫臉書聊天用軟體「Messenger」的第三方應用「Facebook Chat Re-Enabler」,「Messenger」這個App 以FB 的功能來說其實是多餘的, ...

How to (temporarily) restore Messages in Facebook for iOS

2014年8月11日 — However, with a simple workaround, iOS users can re-enable the Messages tab in the official Facebook app and forgo the need to install Facebook ...

How to Enable Facebook Chat Heads on iOS Today

2013年4月17日 — Read what you'll need to do to start playing with Facebook's new iOS feature right now.

How to enable facebook messenger chat bubbles?

I just switched to apple from android and I really miss the messenger chat bubbles that appear on top of everything.

How to get chat head bubbles for Facebook Messenger on ...

2017年1月20日 — How do I enable Facebook chat heads on iOS? You'll need to install two tweaks: FB Chat Heads Enabler; Facebook Sticker Enabler. There are ...

Install Facebook Chat Re

All you need to do is to install an application called Facebook Chat Re-Enabler. This app makes a few modifications to the Facebook app. Once you install the ...

Turn messaging on or off for your Page

To manage these pages, use the Facebook app for iPhone and Android. To turn messaging on or off for Pages you have Facebook access to:.